
玻利維亞/Bolivia 增加黃金儲備

玻利維亞黃金儲備35.3噸,佔外匯15.6%. 總統Evo Morales 頒佈法令讓央行從國內礦產購買黃金。

Bolivia’s central bank will buy gold from local producers to boost its international reserves, the Andean country’s Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera said today.
Bolivian President Evo Morales enacted a law authorizing the bank to buy gold through state mining company Empresa Boliviana de Oro, Garcia Linera said in a speech broadcast by La Paz-based television station Bolivision.

News: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-09-07/bolivia-central-bank-to-buy-local-gold-output-to-boost-reserves.html
