
Lewis Lehrman - 5 步驟回歸金本位

影片請按這裡: http://www.thestreet.com/video/11267878/5-steps-to-a-global-gold-standard.html#1200956036001

上個月的新聞如下:(Plan To Return America To the Gold Standard Set To Be Offered at Washington)
September 26, 2011

Lewis Lehrman, One-Time Member of Reagan-Era Gold Commission, Foresees Five-Year Transition

The next big step in the gold standard debate is going to be taken next month at Washington, when one of the original members of the Reagan-era United States Gold Commission offers a five-step plan to return America to sound money.

The architect of the plan, Lewis Lehrman, a businessman and scholar, will present his program in an address October 5 at a conference in Washington on the how to return to a stable dollar. He will outline a five-step program to return America to a gold-backed currency within five years.
